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Marvelous Mydas: A Turtle Tale


Written and Illustrated by the Candlewood Middle School Science Olympiad Team


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Marvelous Mydas: A Turtle Tale


Candlewood Middle School Science Olympiad Team


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Marvelous Mydas: A Turtle Tale


In 2021, the New York Marine Rescue Center started a Middle School Marine program, generously supported by Canon, USA. This program brings marine conservation messaging to middle school students. Through this program, NYMRC staff provided lectures on cold-stunned sea turtles, marine mammals that inhabit NY waters, and gave a virtual behind the scenes tours to the students. Students learn first-hand what to do if they find a stranded sea turtle and the importance of removing debris from our beaches to ensure the safety of the marine life.

During this program, the students meet their sponsored sea turtle and attend a private release, where the turtle is equipped with a satellite tag and the students can track the turtle for up to 2 years. At the completion of this program, the students write and illustrate a book that Canon publishes and 100% of the proceeds go the NYMRC.

Marvelous Mydas: A Turtle Tale is written and illustrated by students from Candlewood Middle School Science Olympiad Team.

100% of the proceeds go directly to benefit the New York Marine Rescue Center.

Price includes shipping within the continental United States.